Concert for Children Special Version
This program is intended for educational purposes only. No entry to general public.
Date | Aug. 31 (Fri) 11:00 - |
Duration | About 50 min |
Venue | Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre Open Studio (3-10-1, Fukashi, Matsumoto) |
Performance | Marcus Roberts Trio |
Program | Performance by Marcus Roberts Trio Theme songs from Disney movies and more |
Along with "Concert for Children" and "Opera for Children", we are exited to announce that we will have a "Concert for Children Special Version" with Marcus Roberts Trio!
The children who will attend this program are children who go to special schools (ex: schools for the visually impaired children, schools for hearing impaired children, and schools for handicapped children) in Nagano prefecture. In total nearly 200 children gather at Open Studio in Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre, and feel the trio's live performance.
Roberts himself had lost his sight when he was 5 years old in Florida. Until 12 years old, he taught himself a piano until 12 years old, when he started taking professional lessons. We are looking forward what kind of magic would happen on this special program.