
2018OMF Official Leaflet out online!

2018OMF Official Leaflet is available on the OMF website for free download.
Details of each programs, message from OMF artistic director Seiji Ozawa, and Siato Kinen Orchestra member list (as of May, 2018) are available.
Please take a look at the leaflet at music/event halls in Kanto area, 2018OMF venues and Matsumoto City Tourist Information Center.

2018OMF Official Leaflet

Change of Conductor and Orchestra Programs Announcement

The conducting schedule of the Artistic Director Seiji Ozawa for 2018OMF Orchestra Programs has been revised due to lack of physical strength of the conductor. Seiji Ozawa initially scheduled for conducting Orchestra Program A, B and C on Aug. 26, 31 and Sep. 2, 2018, however, all programs and ticket prices are revised due to change of conductor.
Seiji Ozawa has been hospitalized due to being diagnosed with aortic stenosis in March. He is now out of the hospital and working hard to rehabilitate to regain physical strength and the muscles. The rehabilitation is going well, however, after giving a lot of consideration to the progress of recovery and the time remaining until summer, the conductor decided not to conduct at this year's festival. Although he will not conduct, he stays at Matsumoto as has happened in the past years, and attend rehearsals of each programs as OMF Artistic Director.

Diego Matheuz who conducted Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4 in 2011SKF, will conduct much-awaited Symphony No.5 at Orchestra Concert Program A. One of the highlights of the Program A is solo performances by 4 great members of Saito Kinen Orchestra (SKO) in Haydn's Sinfonia Concertante. Program B features popular french programs conducted by Ozawa's fellow disciples Kazuyoshi Akiyama. He had given a great help starting up of SKO. In Program C, OMF favorite Marcus Roberts Trio decided to come and play at Matsumoto on very short notice saying "for Seiji". They will present American and Jazzy programs with Leonard Bernstein and George Gershwin as "OMF Gig".

Please see below for more program change details.
Due to this change, the ticket price of all Orchestra Cocncerts are below.
S ¥18,000 A ¥15,000 B ¥12,000 C ¥7,000

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause and look forward to welcoming you again in Matsumoto this summer.

Message from Seiji Ozawa

 Much to my regret, I am stepping down from conducting Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony in Matsumoto this summer. I am deeply sorry to all who were looking forward to these concerts.
 I apologize for causing concern, but I have actually completed treatments, commenced rehabilitation, and am now feeling quite well. Unfortunately, it seems that it will take some more time for my stamina and muscular strength to properly recover. After discussions with my attending physician and family, I decided to entrust conducting duties to Diego and Akiyama this summer. Of course, I intend to be in Matsumoto in my capacity as festival director, attending rehearsals and concerts to create the festival together with my Saito Kinen Orchestra colleagues.
 As I faced this predicament, my long-time associate Marcus made plans to bring his trio, and arrangements were made to change the program. I am very grateful to the many people who assisted us in making it possible to hold the festival this year.
 This was an agonizing decision because I am always so excited about making music with my dear colleagues and delivering it to you all in Matsumoto every summer. However, I have a bad habit of pushing myself too hard, which ends up causing difficulties for everyone. I decided instead to focus on rehabilitation for now so that I can properly conduct again, participate in the festival, and see everyone in Matsumoto under the best possible conditions.


Message from Akio Tsubota, Executive Officer of OMF Executive Committee

 In view of his physical condition, OMF Director Seiji Ozawa will be stepping down from conducting the orchestra programs in which he had originally been scheduled to appear. We would like to offer our sincerest apologies to any inconvenience caused to all those who had been looking forward to his performances.

 Although Seiji Ozawa will not be conducting, he is still scheduled to be in Matsumoto as OMF Artistic Director, and to participate in rehearsals for concerts throughout the festival. We wish him the speediest possible recovery and eagerly anticipate seeing his return to full health. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as our performers and staff work together to prepare a festival for your greatest enjoyment.

Akio Tsubota
Executive Officer of Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival Executive Committee

【Orchestra Concert Programs】

Orchestra Concert Program A
Aug. 26 (Sun) 15:00 Kissei Bunka Hall (Nagano-ken Matsumoto Bunka Kaikan)

Saito Kinen Orchestra
Conductor: Diego Matheuz
Duration: About 2 hours (with intermission)

Prokofiev: Symphony No.1 in D major, Op. 25 “Classical
Haydn: Sinfonia Concertante in B-flat major, Hob. I: 105
Violin: Kyoko Takezawa Cello: Dai Miyata Oboe: Philippe Tondre Bassoon: Marc Goldberg
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5 in E minor, Op. 64

Orchestra Concert Program B
Aug. 31 (Fri) 19:00 Kissei Bunka Hall (Nagano-ken Matsumoto Bunka Kaikan)

Saito Kinen Orchestra
Conductor: Kazuyoshi Akiyama
Duration: About 2 hours (with intermission)

Ibert: Ouverture de fête
Debussy: Prélude à L'après-midi d’un faune
Ravel: Boléro
Saint-Saëns: Symphony No.3 in C minor, Op. 78 “Organ

Orchestra Concert Program C "OMF Gig"
Sep. 2 (Sun) 15:00 Kissei Bunka Hall (Nagano-ken Matsumoto Bunka Kaikan)

Saito Kinen Orchestra
Conductor: Diego Matheuz, Kensho Watanabe (Japan Debut)
Special Guest: Marcus Roberts Trio
Duration: TBA

With a great American Jazz gruop Marcus Roberts Trio who had played 5 times at Matsumoto, we will present jazzy numbers of Bernstein and Gershwin. Also, Japanese-American up and coming young conductor Kensho Watanabe will make his Japanese debut with Saito Kinen Orchestra. The program details will be announced shortly.

Please see here for Kensho Watanabe and Marcus Roberts Trio Profile

Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival Executive Committee
Phone: +81-(0)263-39-0001 (Weekday 8:30AM - 5:15PM)

2018OMF OMF Opera and Chamber Concerts Program Details!

We are happy to announce OMF Opera by Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra and Chamber Concerts program details.
The great Baritone Roberto de Candia, who excited the audience at this year's Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Opera Project XVI, comes back as hilarious Gianni Schicchi in Puccini's comic masterpiece "Gianni Schicchi". Anna Christy will join us as Lauretta and sing beautiful "O Mio Babbino".
Chamber Concerts will take place with distinguished programs. In Chamber Concert I, the Switzerland Academy will come to Matsumoto to perform a memorial concert in remembrance of Robert Mann, the great violinist and conductor, who had given us the wonderful performances at the festival. Chamber Concert II will feature French composers with Mari & Momo Kodama piano duo. Chamber Concert III is proud to present the best of the best performers. For more details, please see each program pages.

2018 Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival - the Line-up Announcement

Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival Executive Committee is happy to announce the 2018 Season Opening Dates & the Line-up.
For details, please see the link below.

2018 Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival - the 2018 Seaon Line-up Annoucement

On the passing of Robert Mann - Statement from Seiji Ozawa (OMF Director) and the OMF Executive Committee

Robert Mann passed away at the night of January 1st, 2018, at his home in Manhattan, NY. He was 97.

The statement from Seiji Ozawa (OMF Director)

I am extremely moved and very sad to hear about the loss of Robert Mann.
Bobby taught us about quartet and its importance in music. He was the one who created the chance for the beginning of what today is the International Chamber Music Academy Okushiga, the Seiji Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy in Switzerland, he created beautiful music with us at the Saito Kinen Festival. I am deeply grateful for all this.

He was a wonderful friend.
It's very sad to know he is no longer with us.


The statement from OMF Executive Committee

Robert Mann, a founding member of the Juillird String Quartet, which was formed in 1946, had been the first violinist for more than five decades. In 1993, he appeared at the Saito Kinen Festival for the first time as a member of the Juilliard String Quartet. In 1998, he returned to the festival with his wife, Lucy Rowan, for the performance of “WORD and MUSIC”, in which Robert Mann played violin and Lucy Rowan narrated. Since then he collaborated with the Saito Kinen Orchestra members many times for chamber music concerts, playing string quartet and piano quintet. His concerts at the Harmony Hall, Matsumoto became an annual event for the festival and attracted a large audience. He also conducted the Saito Kinen Orchestra and the Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra, and his involvement with the festival continued until the “Robert Mann Special Concert” in 2010, celebrating his 90th birthday.

In addition, he devoted his energy for educating young musicians every summer at the Chamber Music Study Group for Young People for teaching and conducting string orchestra as a part of the Saito Kinen Festival, and this study group has been developed as the Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy Okushiga, which is still going on.

He has brought enourmous influence into Matsumoto and Japan through his music and fantastic string quartet.
We express our sincere gratitude. May he rest in peace.

Robert Mann_image.jpg

Program Cancellation Announcement - Mitsuko Uchida Recital -

Pianist Mitsuko Uchida who is scheduled for participating at 2017OMF has become unable to perform for Mitsuko Uchida Recital (Sep.4 (Mon), 2017) due to sudden injury of her lower back.
On Aug 15, during her stay in Salzburg, Ms Uchida accidentally fell and hit her lower back. She was advised by her doctor to take a rest for several days. Due to this, her flight to Japan has got postponed resulting in her withdrawal from the Recital.
Ms. Uchida will, however, come to Matsumoto to perform for the Orchestra Concert Program C (Sep. 8 (Fri) and 10 (Sun), 2017), as scheduled.

The guests who purchased the tickets for Mitsuko Uchida Recital will be refunded the full ticket price. Please refer to the below for further information.

We apologize for all the inconvenience this may cause.
We wholeheartedly thank you for your understanding and continuous support.

Concert: Mitsuko Uchida Recital
Date: Sep, 4 (Mon), 2017 19:00
Place: Kissei Bunka Hall, Matsumoto

Ticket Refund Period : 2017 September 4 (Mon) - December 31 (Sun)

(1) Purchase at windows (Matsumoto City General Gymnasium, Hokuto Culture Hall, Naganoken Ina Culture Center, Santomyuze, Shimosuwa General Culture Center, Kissei Bunka Hall, Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre, The Harmony Hall)

Those who purchased ticket(s) at tickets windows stated above, The OMF Executive Commitee will send directly "Furikomi Iraisho"(Transfer Request Form) by mail. Please fill in the form enclosed with your information (Name, Address, Phonenumber, Bank account information, Ticket(s) type and Seat Number(s)) and send it back with your ticket(s) to the OMF Executive Commitee by enclosed envelope.
Ticket Refund Direct Dial
: 026-227-1517 (10:00 - 18:00/No holidays)
Open: Aug 31 (Thur) - Sep 13 (Wed)

*Furikomi Iraisho (Transfer Request Form) can be also downloaded here.

(2) Purchase on internet via pre-guide
【LAWSON Ticket】
・Those who purchased the ticket(s) at LAWSON / Ministop stores, please go to the store you received tickets from and file for refund procedure on Loppi. Please bring your ticket(s) to the store.
・Those who received the ticket(s) by post, please go through refund procedure on Loppi at your nearby LAWSON store. Please bring your ticket(s) with you to the store.
*Please note that shipping fee are not refundable.
*For more information and how to use Loppi, please check LAWSON ticket website below (Japanese only).

LAWSON Ticket 0570-000-777 (Operator 10:00 - 20:00) 

【Ticket PIA】
・Those who hold the ticket(s) on theirown, please go through refund procedure at the following stores: PIA shop or any convenience store(s) you purchased the ticket(s). Please bring your ticket(s) to the shop.
・Those who received ticket(s) by post, please send your ticket(s) with necessary information to Ticket PIA Mail Center during Ticket Refund Period by either "Registerd Mail (Kan-i Kakitome)", "Delivery Service" or "Tokutei Kiroku Yubin". Three to four weeks after the Ticket Refund Period closed, Ticket PIA will refund the ticket(s) by "Yubin Furikae Haraidashi Shousho". Please note that ticket(s) fee/system fee/ Ticket PIA charge/ Tokubetsu Hanbai Riyoryo are all refundable. For more information, please click Ticket PIA website below (Japanese only).

Ticket PIA Information 0570-02-9111 (10:00 - 18:00)

・Those who received ticket(s) at Seven Eleven / Family Mart, please go to the shop you received ticket(s) and go through refund procedure. Please bring your ticket(s) to the store.
・Those who received ticket(s) by post, please send your ticket(s) with necessary information to e-Plus during Ticket Refund Period by register mail ( "Tokutei Kiroku Yubin"). For more information, please see e-Plus website below.

e-Plus 0570-06-9911 (10:00 - 18:00)


Ticket Refund Direct Dial: 026-227-1517 (10:00 - 18:00/No holidays)
Open: Aug 31 (Thur) - Sep 13 (Wed)
Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival Office 0263-39-0001

SKO & Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra Brass & Percussion Members, OMF Chorus to perform at GIANTS game in Matsumoto next week!

2017OMF Saito Kinen Orchestra and Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra Brass & Percussion members together with this year's OMF Chorus will perform national anthem at a Japanese professional baseball game Yomiuri GIANTS vs Chunichi DRAGONS held on Sep. 5 (Tue).

The game will be aired on CS channel NTV G+, internet streaming channel Giants Live Stream and radio channel Nippon Hoso (AM1242/FM93) .

Yomiuri GIANTS VS Chunichi DRAGONS
Venue: Matsumoto Baseball Feild 
Date: Sep. 5 (Tue) 18:00 (National Anthem Performance from 17:50)
Participating Members:
《SKO Brass Member》SKO Horn: Masayuki Naoi, Maro Abe 
《Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra Brass & Percussion Members》17 members 
《OMF Chorus》24 members

※For more about the Yomiuri Giants vs Chunichi DRAGONS baseball game, please see here.

2017OMF Special "Demae" Concert ≪Art meets Music≫ Ravel: "L'enfant et les sortilèges"

One of the 2017OMF Open Events "Special Demae Concert" will take place at Matsumoto City Museum of Art on Sep. 1 (Fri). The cast of 2017OMF Opera will perform selected songs from this year's OMF Opera by Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra Ravel: "L'enfant et les sortilèges". Entrance free of charge.
Please come and join us with your family and friends.

Date:    Sep 1 (Fri) 18:30 - (About 45 min performance)
      Door Open: 18:00 (After the Matsumoto City Museum of Art closed)
Venue:  Matsumoto City Museum of Art Entrance Hall
Program: Songs from OMF Opera by Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Orchestra Ravel: "L'enfant et les sortilèges"
Capacity: 80 pers ( *We will be distributing the numbered ticket for entry to the concert from 17:00)
Casts   Momoko Kanazawa (Child)
      Soya Sahara (Armchair)
      Makiko Ogura (Mother/Chinese Cup)
      Yuko Sato (Princess)
      Nana Ogawa (Fire)
      Yumeji Matsufuji (Cat/Squirrel)
      Mitsuhiro Nomura (Tomcat)
      Shingo Takabatake (Teapot/Frog)
      Hikaru Ito (Louis XV Chair)
      Mamie Matsuda (Shepherdess)
      Minori Takasugi (Shepherd)
Conductor Takuya Nemoto
Piano   Yuki Hoshina

2017OMF Festival Photo Exhibition at AEON Minami Matsumoto

Exhibitions of photographs from the 2016 Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival taken by official photographers is now taking place at AEON Minami Matsumoto 1F Central Court. The photos are also exhibited at Kissei Bunka Hall (Nagano-ken Matsumoto Bunka Kaikan) and the Hachijuni Bank Gallery. Entrance free.

2017OMF Festival Photo Exhibition
Date: Aug 28 (Mon) - Sep 2 (Sat)
Place: AEON Minami Matsumoto 1F Central Court.
*Entrance free. Open 9:00 - 22:00

Screen Concert : Matsumoto City Outdoor Venue - precautions in case of rain

The screen concert at Nakamachi Kurassic Kan Mae and Matsumoto Castle Park could be cancelled due to rain today. If the screen concerts at those two venues were cancelled, the announcement will be made by 16:00 PM today. The inside venue Agetsuchi Piccaddilly Hall will take place as scheduled.
Other venues outside of Matsumoto city will also take place as scheduled.
Thank you for your understanding.

*16:00 PM Update *

The screen concert at Nakamachi Kurassic Kan Mae and Matsumoto Castle Park will take place as scheduled. Please enjoy the powerful performance of SKO under the boton of Seiji Ozawa and Nathalie Stutzmann on big screen!