
Dutoit x SKO Standing ovation for the concert with a live audience after 3 years!

If I were to perform with the Saito Kinen Orchestra, I would love to play ‘Le Sacre du Printemps’”, Maestro Dutoit told us a few years ago. Mo. Dutoit’s wish was supposed to be made possible in 2021, however, it was very difficult to have a large orchestra with 105 members on stage last year. The long-awaited dream performance has finally come true in 2022.

The auditorium was full of anticipation well before the performance. A long cue for tickets was also a sign of the high reputation of the first concert on the 26th.

"Ceremonial" with Ms. Mayumi Miyata's Sho (Traditional Japanese Instrument) opened the last large-scale performance of the season. The second piece was Debussy's "Images" Pour Orchestre, which SKO went through meticulous rehearsals, from adjusting the strength and weakness of each section to detailed instructions for bowing. At the end of the Debussy, Mo. Dutoit shook hands firmly with the concert master Mr. Tatsuya Yabe as if to praise SKO.

The concert was concluded with Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps. The intense 35 minute performance of Dutoit x SKO was just breathtaking.

After many curtain calls, Dutoit and the members of SKO appeared on the stage with the prefectural flower Rindo in hand as customary on the last orchestra concert of the festival. Thank you very much for everyone came to enjoy the performance! This orchestra concert was the last large-scale performance of the season, though there are few more concerts scheduled. Chamber Concerts are on 29th of August and 1st of September for OMF2022. A special 30th anniversary Orchestra Concerts are planned in November. Come back soon, we are looking forward to seeing you all again!


