
Dutoit and SKO performance, the auditorium was packed!

The first Orchestra Concert of the season was a huge success! An Orchestra Concert with an live audience was finally possible after 3 long years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The long-awaited performance began with Toru Takemitsu's "Ceremonial -An Autumn Ode-", which is the same piece that opened the festival in 1992. After 30 years, it was a great pleasure for the Saito Kinen Orchestra to be able to perform this memorable piece at Kissei Bunka Hall.

The second piece was Debussy's "Images" Pour Orchestre. During rehearsals, Mr. Dutoit worked on this piece with particular care to express the colors and transparency of the piece. What kind of "image" did you see through today’s uncompromising performance?

After a break, the concert completed with Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps. It was not possible to play this song in the pandemic last year as the music requires 105 orchestra members. Maerstro Dutoit and SKO worked together wholeheartedly to deliver the best performance. he Festival Director Seiji Ozawa enjoyed the concert in the auditorium as well and came onto the stage with Mo.Dutoit at the end of the curtain call to greet everyone. Thank you very much for coming! Don't miss another great performance on the 28th of August.
