
OMF comes back in 2020 summer!

We are happy to announce that Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival comes back in 2020 summer. Fabio Luisi, who made a amazing performance in this year's OMF, is coming back to Matsumoto. It will be his 6th time to join the festival, and this is the highest number among all the guest conductors. The relationship between Fabio and Saito Kinen Orchestra made like a steel, they always make a great harmony and we are already looking forward to the excitement these two would bring to us.
Along with Fabio Luisi, French conductor Stéphane Denève will conduct the SKO. He conducted at Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto in 2013 for Opera Ravel: L'heure espagnole. 
Program details will be announced later. Ticket sales are scheduled in June 13th 2020. Please look forward to 2020OMF!
